Coursework in pursuit of a bachelor’s, master's or doctorate degree.
Certificates of completion that do not lead to a certification or license.
Associates of science, arts, general studies, liberal arts, health sciences, social sciences and interdisciplinary associate degrees with no concentration.
Personal enrichment courses, excluding courses that are for academic credit or graded electives in an approved My Career Advancement Account Spouse Education and Training Plan.
Courses already started or completed by the spouse.
Course extensions.
Courses, tests or fees typically paid by an employer as part of a job training program.
Non Academic credit or ungraded courses, including courses taken on an audit basis or as an internship, practicum, apprenticeship or clinical supervision; also, nonacademic credit or ungraded orientation programs.
Courses taken more than one time, unless My Career Advancement Account Scholarship has received a full refund from the school.
Tuition for courses and examinations not included in the spouse’s Education and Training Plan.
Study abroad programs, excluding programs of study offered by participating My Career Advancement Account Scholarship schools on overseas military installations.
Private licenses. Example: a private pilot’s license would not be covered because it is for recreational use, but a commercial pilot’s license would be covered because it would be used for an occupation.
High school or GED completion programs, including online high school completion programs.
Courses or programs at unapproved schools or campuses, or other locations not found in the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Portal.
English as a second language course to learn English.
Internships not part of an Education and Training Plan and not resulting in a credential required for employment.
Books, supplies, equipment, uniforms, computers and electronic devices of any kind.
Fees of any kind, including, but not limited to, registration fees, technology fees or parking fees.
Student activities, events and entertainment.
Reimbursements of any kind.
Prepayments or deposits for future courses, unless costs are part of a block of study.
School or college level entrance examinations, comprehensive exams and related preparatory courses.
Transportation, lodging, child care and medical services.