Welcome back!
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way of completing your goals on time.
Or, sometimes it takes a few attempts before you learn how to manage your time, your coursework, and learning new skills. Don’t give up! If you’re motivated and dedicated to reaching your goals, we’re here to support you and help you get back on track.
Individuals who have previously withdrawn from CIAT, have been dropped from their academic program, or have been dismissed from their respective program for any reason may choose to petition for consideration of re-enrollment.
Requirements for Re-Enrollment Consideration
- Schedule an appointment with an Admissions Representative to discuss your renewed academic goals.
- Complete a new Enrollment Application and sign receipt of Gainful Employment Disclosures.
- Submit an essay, with a minimum of 250 words, detailing your academic and career goals, how CIAT can assist with attaining these goals, and if any obstacles were encountered during the previous enrollment (i.e. academic, personal and/or scheduling difficulties), how such obstacles to academic success will be addressed and overcome given the opportunity for re-enrollment at CIAT.
- Complete a formal interview with the Director of Admissions.
Re-Enrollment Acceptance Criteria
Once you have completed all of your re-admission steps above, the CIAT management team will review the information along with your previous academic history, attendance, and reason for departure from your previous enrollment. Each re-admission application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. A previous admission does not guarantee a second admission into any given program at CIAT. The final determination regarding re-admission, including any reason for denial, will be presented in writing via email or mail within ten business days of receiving all the required information.
Upon approval of readmission into the same academic program, any completed coursework from your previous enrollment with a grade of “C” or better will be transferred to your new enrollment if you re-enroll within 12 months from the date of the withdrawal in the previous enrollment.
Exceptions for Active Duty Service Members
If you are/were an active duty military service member and you needed to withdraw from your previous academic program due to deployment or other service requirements, we welcome you to re-enroll at the start of any new term. The formal re-admissions interview and essay steps above will be waived to support your transition.