Participating in the CIAT Yammer/Viva Engage platforms acknowledges and confirms that you understand and agree to the following requirements:
• Information, opinions, statements, pictures, or files posted on Yammer cannot be considered private.
• Yammer does not replace California Institute of Applied Technology’s established student communication channels including phone, email, text, and Canvas. Any information posted on Yammer is provided as an added resource to students.
• Participation is entirely voluntary and a matter of individual choice.
• Never rely on information or opinions posted on the CIAT Yammer network by other users to replace CIAT policy or standards or information that you receive from CIAT staff.
• While the CIAT Yammer network contains plenty of useful information and our administrators strive to address incorrect statements, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, privacy, or validity of the information provided in the groups by other users.
• Any statements or comments posted on Yammer may be to be used in CIAT promotional materials.