If you are enrolled in an IT program and will be taking our CIS101A class, you will be sent a PC Build Kit as part of your course materials.
This is an amazing opportunity to get the hands-on experience that you need to further develop your IT understanding and provide you with even more marketable tech skills!
To receive this PC Build Kit, you will need to ensure your address is correct. Please refer to our Address Verification doc for instructions on how to do this. If your address is not verified in time, your items may be sent to the wrong address and your kit will be delayed, potentially impacting your course success.
If you experience any of the following issues upon initial boot-up attempt of your PC from the CIAT provided kit, please report the issue immediately to your instructor:
- Unable to power on
- Missing parts
- Troubleshooting issues
The PC Build Kit includes the following items:
Tower Workstation