How do I know I’m eligible for a leave of absence?
Leave of Absence (LOA) eligibility is determined by program length and number of previous LOAs taken. Students cannot exceed 150% of their program length so this must be taken into account when planning LOAs.
- For example, if you are in the 8 term Certificate of Computer Information Systems (CCIS) program, you have 4 terms available for LOA as long as you pass all your classes, since program length rule is also affected by failed courses and re-takes).
How many days can I take for an LOA within a year?
Students may take up to 180 days of LOA in any given 365-day calendar year period.
How do I apply for a leave of absence?
Please submit a support ticket using this link.
How soon before my LOA do I need to apply?
You should have applied before the fourth week of the last planned class – i.e. if you want to apply for a leave of absence for the term following your current class, you need to notify Student Services at least two weeks ahead of time.
I received a notification that I’ve been placed on an administrative LOA. Why?
There are a couple possible reasons for this. One is that your next course may not be available for the next term, so you’ve been placed on a leave of absence until your next course is available so none of your allotted program time is wasted. Another could be that you were already on a leave of absence and didn’t respond to your Student Services advisor in time to book the next class.
In either case, please submit a support ticket using this link.